Panorama Factory is a very useful panorama creator by stitching various individual digital photographs.
Each panorama project is made out of different (but related) photographs. Once they are imported, the user can select and set many options to obtain the best panorama output file, such as lens distortions, zoom on each picture, barrel distortion correction, correction for different image brightness, etc.
Panoramas can be created as a flat long image, spherical or cylinder shape, etc. with images taken with standard 35 mm or digital cameras. All kinds of adjustments are available for focus, contrast, edge preparation or corrections, etc.
The application also includes the possibility of inserting "hotspots" to define where to link images to create the panoramic picture, as well as for linking independent panoramic images already created to obtain virtual tours all over the resulting panorama or to move images and 'visit' one after the other (rooms, buildings, plants, landscapes, etc.). The "hotspots" can be saved together with the pictures to set panoramic views on web pages, with thumbnail indexes. The projects can be saved as individual templates. The application includes predefined templates to be used by the users as a creation help.
Another handy feature supplied is the automatic image alignment and focal length detection, that can be adjusted interactively.